Thursday, August 25, 2016

Black House -Stephen King & Peter Straub

3/5 overall 4/5 in places

The combination of these two authors is fascinating, there is a clear set of typical King characters and setting but the voice is different.  This book is a brick weighting in at over 800 pages.  The pacing is also a bit slow at the beginning,  those familiar with long King stories won't find this entirely unfamiliar but it is a commitment.  It was quite well written and some of the characters are excellent. It's a good book for leaving on your night stand and attacking in little chunks.  That being said it's a little too easy to set down right in the middle of the action.  There are multiple worlds in this book and they certainly feel different almost as if they could be from two seperate books, I'm not sure if I think this is skilled or disconcerting.  Overall a good read but definitely not one to start if you're not ready for a long haul.